Ministry News Roundup – May 2023

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Engaging with Local Nigerian Correctional Center
As part of their ongoing efforts to support incarcerated individuals, Prison Fellowship Nigeria‘s Lagos Chapter paid visits to the Ikoyi Correctional Center and all the correctional facilities in Kirikiri, Lagos, demonstrating their commitment to fostering positive change within the correctional system.
Nigerian Chaplaincy Conference on Rehabilitation & Reintegration Strategies
Prison Fellowship Nigeria, alongside the Nigerian Correctional Service and PRAWA, organized a two-day chaplaincy conference focused on the implementation of effective policies and strategies for the rehabilitation and reintegration of individuals to foster safer and healthier communities. The conference brought together professionals and experts to explore the crucial role of chaplaincy in the Nigerian correctional system.
Empowering Malawian Children with Faith and Scripture
The Prison Fellowship Malawi’s The Child’s Journey® team is dedicated to guiding children in the path of righteousness and instilling a lasting faith in their lives. They recently shared this video of a beneficiary sharing her favorite verse (John 10:14-15) and celebrating the opportunity to deepen her knowledge of God, thanks to Biblica’s Reach for Life Bibles.
Rwandan Children and Caregivers with Incarcerated Loved Ones Find Support
Children enrolled in The Child’s Journey through Prison Fellowship Rwanda participated in a meaningful conversation with representatives from a societal healing program, discussing trauma healing. Meanwhile, support groups offered valuable assistance to caregivers, empowering them to utilize available resources and foster resilience within their families.
Asia Pacific
Building Health and Unity with the Singaporean Team
Prison Fellowship Singapore promotes physical fitness through bi-weekly exercise sessions led by an experienced fitness instructor. PFS team members work together towards a healthier and fitter version of themselves, emphasizing the importance of unity and shared progress.
Inspiring Video of Cambodian Girl’s Scripture Engagement
Prison Fellowship Cambodia shared this video of a girl enrolled in The Child’s Journey reading Psalm 121:1-4 from her Bible. Scriptural resources are a key component of enhancing the spiritual growth of children of prisoners.
Strong Partnerships and Dedicated Mentors Help Filipino Children of Prisoners Thrive
Prison Fellowship Philippines was among the first cohort of national ministries to launch PromisePath®, enrolling over 300 children in the program. Despite challenges, the team has skillfully forged relationships with churches, managed commitment levels, expectations and outreach methods, and selected quality mentors.
Europe and Central Asia
Unforgettable Weekend for Czech Children of Prisoners
Children from Prison Fellowship Czech Republic’s Angel Club in Brno had a fantastic weekend getaway in the Vysočina region, enjoying nature, games and creative workshops. This event provided a much-needed break for these children, fostering camaraderie among them and deepening their trust in the club’s leaders.
Bibles donated for Italian participants in The Prisoner’s Journey®
The Italian Episcopal Conference has donated 8,000 Bibles for each participating prisoner in The Prisoner’s Journey. This generous gesture was accompanied by the bishops’ well wishes and commitment to pray for each individual, recognizing Prison Fellowship Italy for its potential to bring about positive change in the hearts and lives of those in prison.
Supporting Romanian Women in Business at Local Event
Prison Fellowship Romania participated in the “Making Cluj Thrive Together” event, fostering connections and supporting women in business and entrepreneurship within the community, aiming to strengthen relationships and provide a supportive environment for professional growth.
Ukrainian Prayer Breakfast Highlights Transformative Power of Faith
Prison Fellowship Ukraine, accompanied by partners from Prison Fellowship Romania and PFI, participated in the Second Prayer Breakfast hosted by the State Criminal-Executive Service of Ukraine. The event served as a platform to showcase the collaborative work between the service and local churches, featuring insightful presentations and personal narratives from former prisoners and prison officials. The focus was on the profound impact of faith and cooperation in transforming lives and fostering positive change within the criminal justice system.
Latin America and the Caribbean
Honoring Generosity and Support of Trinidadians Donors
Prison Fellowship Trinidad & Tobago held its inaugural Donors Appreciation Award function at Grace Communion Church to honor and recognize the contributions of its donors. The event served as a platform to express gratitude and celebrate the support received from generous donors. Watch the full event here.
Cross-Country Governance and Fundraising Training
Lacides Hernandez, Prison Fellowship Colombia President, conducted a four-day training session for Prison Fellowship Argentina volunteers and board members, focusing on governance and fundraising to enhance their capacity.
Empowering Collaborators and Recovery Participants through APAC Training
Prison Fellowship Brazil conducted a training session at APAC Nepomuceno, covering team management, problem identification, strategy development and effective decision-making for collaborators, while offering a comprehensive understanding of APAC methodology and history for the recovery participants.
Celebrating Growth of Paraguayan Participants in The Prisoner’s Journey
Prison Fellowship Paraguay shared their exciting growth of The Prisoner’s Journey course, which now includes three new prisons. Celebrating the graduation of the first 36 participants, Prison Fellowship Paraguay asks for prayers for God’s continued guidance as they help prisoners deepen their personal relationship with their Savior.
Middle East and North Africa
Sharing the Good News with Lebanese Prisoners
Prison Fellowship Lebanon Executive Director, Rima Saade Turk, and her team members shared a photo of them before entering prison to share the Good News with incarcerated men and women. The national ministry runs both The Prisoner’s Journey and the Sycamore Tree Project® to reach prisoners.
North America
New Study Confirms Positive Impact of Religion on Mental Health in Prisoners
A recent study conducted by Baylor University in Colombia reveals that participation in religious programs and practices among prisoners leads to the development of positive virtues, reduction in negative emotional states and transformative effects on beliefs and behavior. The findings support the mission of Prison Fellowship International’s in-prison program, The Prisoner’s Journey, and provide empirical evidence of the positive impact of religious programming that national ministries conduct for prisoners worldwide.
Read the complete study here: Virtuous Effects of Religion on Negative Emotions among Offenders in a Colombian Prison