Joshua Ramirez-Donner
Program Analyst, Ministry Effectiveness

Joshua Ramirez-Donner facilitates communication between Prison Fellowship International, the Colombian National Penitentiary and Prison Institute, the Colombian Senate, Pepperdine University and program facilitators for 12 Prison Fellowship programs. He ensures the acquisition of relevant data for analyzing the effectiveness of Prison Fellowship programs in Colombian prisons, communities and issues of restorative justice. Joshua specializes in data analysis and acquisition, logistics coordination and translation.
Joshua believes that achieving Prison Fellowship International’s vision, to break the cycle of crime and restore lives, worldwide, through Jesus’ love, requires thorough identification of program-wide best practices. Joshua endeavors to uncover robust empirical data that identifies best practices and illuminates necessary pathways for addressing critical issues (such as offender rehabilitation, overall well-being and the promotion of human flourishing).
Joshua previously served as the Sponsorship Operations Coordinator for The Child’s Journey through Prison Fellowship Colombia. Additionally, he served as the lead teaching assistant in political theory at Pontifical Bolivarian University.
Joshua holds both a Bachelor of Arts and master’s degree in Political Science from Pontifical Bolivarian University. Currently, he resides in Medellin, Colombia and enjoys reading political philosophy, sports and cinema.