Hugh Greathead
Senior Regional Director, Europe and Central Asia; Global Field Director

Hugh Greathead leads the Europe and Central Asia Region while also supervising the Global Field Team and national ministry membership and growth. He has been instrumental in creating an online platform for Prison Fellowship ministries to self-manage their membership and access near real-time data from around the world.
Prison ministry remains one of the few under developed activities that Jesus has directly called Christians to. Hugh is excited about being part of a global movement that is taking a lead in driving the growth and development of high-quality program delivery that will ultimately introduce more prisoners and those affected by crime to Jesus’ love.
Over the course of his career, Hugh has lived and worked in nine countries across Africa and Europe, holding roles with regional and international responsibilities. He has a wealth of leadership experience in growing program portfolios in complex cross-cultural contexts and an analytical mind and passion for evidence-based programming.
Hugh has a master’s degree in economics from London Imperial College. He currently lives in Germany with his wife, Stefanie, who he met while working in South Sudan and their three children: Emily, Lilian and Ben.