Virgin Islands (UK)
Angel Tree®
Angel Tree® Christmas is a Prison Fellowship program that connects parents in prison with their children through the delivery of Christmas gifts. In most cases, local church volunteers purchase and deliver gifts and the Gospel to children in the name of their prisoner-parent. Many churches make an annual commitment to this highly rewarding program and recognize it as a way to care for some of the most overlooked members of our communities.
Aftercare—Waiting at the Gates
Waiting at the Gates is an aftercare program that is designed to assist inmates leaving prison to be reintegrated as smoothly as possible. Volunteers meet the person being released at the prison gate and help them to reconnect with family and friends. Those who have nowhere to go are provided with temporary accommodation.
Back to School
This is a program that assists children of inmates with back to school supplies.
Mother/Child Reunion
Mother/Child Reunion is used to connect mothers in prison with their children. Once per year the children are brought to the prison to meet with their mothers and gifts are presented to the children. This is deemed an important event that seeks to maintain the family bond.
Country Stats
- Prisons Visited: 1
- Prisoners Served: 31
- Children of Prisoners Served: 111
- Churches Engaged: 18
- Volunteers: 13
- Ex-Prisoners: 12