Miracles in Claudine’s Life

Claudine with three of her children and Franck Baby, African Regional Coordinator at PFI
Claudine is the mother to five children – four boys and one girl. When her husband was arrested and sent to prison, she was left to care for her children alone. It felt like a nightmare.
Her husband had left her physically alone, and because of the shame of his crimes, she felt abandoned by her community as well. Claudine struggled to care and provide for her children, as they were too young to stay alone while she was at work. Claudine was also crushed by the constant reminders of her status in her community.
One day, overwhelmed by her emotions, the shame and despair so great, Claudine tried to take her own life. By God’s grace, the sound of her youngest son crying brought her back to reality, and she was not able to go through with it. It was in that moment that Claudine realized it is only God who wipes away her sorrow.
Shortly after this event, Claudine heard about Prison Fellowship Rwanda from a friend. Two of Claudine’s children were eligible for the program and began to receive support. The Child’s Journey has supplied Claudine’s family with education support and school fees, spiritual counseling, and food support.
Claudine says she is grateful for the opportunity to invest in her caregiver group. The support they’ve received has helped them all achieve their dreams.