EDUARD | Colombia

Bellavista Prison in Medellín, Colombia, is a dark place.
Home to drug dealers, guerrillas, paramilitary, and assassins, it is overcrowded with some of the country’s most dangerous criminals.
Men line hallways and sprawl from the rafters in makeshift hammocks. They live in cells barely larger than a bathroom stall.
This is where Eduard is serving his sentence.
While many young boys grow up playing “cops and robbers,” for Eduard it was a violent way of life passed down from his father. And prison life only hardened Eduard’s heart.
Throughout his now 13 years behind bars, he earned the reputation among inmates as a dangerous man. But that began to change when he was invited to The Prisoner’s Journey, Bible study and discipleship program that introduces Jesus to prisoners through the Gospel of Mark.
After just four sessions, and hearing the stories of other prisoners who were just like him, but who came to know Christ’s love and forgiveness, Eduard accepted Christ as his Savior.
Today, Eduard says he is a changed man thanks to the Gospel brought to him through The Prisoner’s Journey.
Help prisoners like Eduard find lasting transformation through Jesus Christ.