“I Have a Second Chance”
DUNCAN | South Africa

“I Have a Second Chance”
“This course has made me step back and look at the way I lived my life previously,” says Duncan, talking about his experience in The Prisoner’s Journey® Bible study program.
When Duncan’s son was killed in his place, during a drive-by shooting, Duncan resigned himself to living out of his pain and trauma. After his son was buried, Duncan revenged his son’s death, killing those responsible.
During his prison sentence, Duncan was invited to participate in The Prisoner’s Journey.
“Now after doing the course,” he says, “I know I have a second chance at life. I know God forgives us for our sins—doesn’t matter how bad the sin is. He will clean us and take us under His care and protection.”
Watching the course’s DVDs, which share the stories of other prisoners—others Duncan identifies as “just like me”—who now give God all the praise and glory, Duncan felt he, too, could give his heart to God.
“God died on the cross for our sins so we can choose right from wrong,” says Duncan. “His life had value and was paid as a ransom for our lives. I am now willing to give Jesus my entire life, and live the way He wants me to live—to glorify His kingdom.”
Duncan concludes, “I cannot change with my own strength, but I can with the strength God instills in me!”
Help a prisoner like Duncan find God’s strength and forgiveness.