Transform a Life Today

Your gift accelerates a movement of more than 100 partner prison ministries to share the gospel, protect at-risk children and bring restorative practices to prisoners and prison systems worldwide.

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Change is Happening

There are an estimated 12.1 million prisoners globally kept within 19,000 prison sites. There are nearly 19 million children of prisoners around the world who experience shame, trauma and significant financial challenges due to their parent's incarceration. It is this community that we are called to serve. Join our movement to break the cycle of crime, worldwide.

Prisons Accessed Globally
Prisoners Reached
Children of Prisoners Served
I always knew who Jesus is, but never met Him the way I did in TPJ. I think I have the same love for Jesus as Mark did...I believe Jesus loves me as well as He loved Mark. This journey reminded me that Jesus Christ loves everybody, even me!
I have decided that when I am released, I will go out and start working on becoming a barber. And I know God will help me. I really am happy for the difference that STP has made in my life.
In prison, which is dark and hopeless place, I found the light of Jesus and accepted him as my Savior. The Prisoner’s Journey brought me hope in the darkness of prison.
Fiscal Responsibility

Investing in Ministry

Prison Fellowship International works diligently to invest the maximum resources into our programs, and is mindful to minimize administration and fundraising costs.

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