Trusting the Story

Father, this is about you. We’ve already committed our time to you, committed our year to you. We’ve asked you for wisdom. God, you say that you are bringing about, through your kingdom, a planting for your own splendor. That’s the story, Lord. We trust you above all. We trust the story of your redemptive power and action in our world. Lord, grace us with skill and gifting beyond what would be ours without you. God, we commit our year to you and thank you for involving us in your amazing mission and calling us into a relationship with yourself.
Recently, I was talking with a great friend who I have not spoken to for about six months. He said to me, “Andy, there are just some times when you need to trust the story.” What a great bit of advice: trust the story that we are in the middle of.
So, what is that story for us? That story is God’s work in our creation, His kingdom, of which there will be no end. Everything is created by Him, through Him and for Him. At the heart of His kingdom are the poor, the oppressed, the prisoners. That’s God’s kingdom. That’s what we’re invited into.
I know we’ve got great people within the Prison Fellowship International family. I know our teams have really solid strategies. I know we’ve got commitment. I know that God is with us. The rest is an open book. I can’t predict what’s in front of us, but I believe it’s going to be a great year. I’m trusting God for a great year, but if it’s not, then I’m going to trust the story.
As I encourage you to also trust the story, I don’t want you to think, “Andy’s worried that we’re going to have a down year.” That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that whatever comes through the gate, God is with us.
Psalm 46 tells us that “God is our refuge and strength.” This means that whatever happens, He’s always with us. We know that we can trust the story, one of a God who puts on flesh. One of a God who twice mentions the people whom we are serving daily when He first announces the launch of His kingdom. What a great privilege.
I want to encourage you at the beginning of this year. I hope that this will be a great year. I think it will be. Like last month’s prayer said, “God, give us wisdom. We need more of it than ever.” As we orientateourselves around and adopt the posture of this prayer, we are able to trust the one who made the story in the first place. The one who says, “I am your refuge and strength.” As much as we need great strategy, that’s not what we should be placing our trust in. As much as we need resources, it’s not that either. God is the basis of everything we need in 2024.
Recently, I have been asking God to crown our year with splendor. When we pray and articulate, we are praying things into being as well. That’s why our prayer is so important. I don’t know if you’ve ever thought of prayer in that kind of way, but there’s a creative act that occurs when we articulate, inspired by the Spirit of God, aligning ourselves with the Word of God.