The Importance of Community

Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. – Hebrews 10:25
God created humans with a desire for community. This innate instinct drives us to create families, make friends, worship together in churches and participate in communal events. The importance of community in spiritual growth and support are emphasized throughout the Bible as Hebrews 10:25 advises us not to forsake assembling together and Matthew 18:20 declares that God is among those who gather around Himself and in His name, underscoring the encouragement and power derived from fellowship. During the pandemic, we saw what a world stripped of in-person connection would look like. The negative effects of this isolation still linger in many ways throughout our society, and even in our organization.
Last month, for the first time since 2019, our regional staff was able to come together at our Washington Secretariat. There were some near misses – we weren’t sure if all of the visas were going to come through in time – but God provided what was needed. Throughout a busy week, our Global Impact team came together for meaningful discussion, strategic planning, working sessions, best-practice sharing and, of course, good food and lots of fun. On several occasions, the wider headquarters staff participated as well and everyone joined to glean from each other’s expertise and suggestions, and enjoy the time together in person. Having everyone together again, after such a long hiatus, underscored the importance of gatherings such as these. After all, “fellowship” is in the center of our name. This is renewing efforts to facilitate more regional connection through in-person forums in Asia Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Africa. Additionally, the Europe and Central Asia region is hosting a joint forum with the Middle East and North Africa region in March 2025, which is sure to be an insightful and engaging time.
As a global family, let’s seek opportunities for gathering and fellowship with those who work alongside us to serve the incarcerated, their families and crime victims. Pray together, seek God together, laugh together and help bear one another’s burdens – as we are instructed to do in Galatians 6:2. Paul, in his letters, frequently emphasizes the importance of building each other up, nurturing a sense of belonging and mutual edification. Ultimately, fellowship serves as a reflection of the unity within the body of Jesus Christ. Let us go forward as one community, unified in our mission to share the hope of the Good News of Jesus.