PF Malawi Joins Global Capacity Advisory Council

We are delighted to announce a new member to our Global Capacity Advisory Council. Prison Fellowship Malawi, represented by executive director Rodrick Zalimba, has accepted the challenge to contribute to the global Prison Fellowship family both financially and with expertise.
In 2019, PFI launched its Global Capacity Initiative (GCI) to assist National Ministries (NMs) who are a part of the PF global family in their efforts to increase their capacity, improve their impact, and build a sustainable national ministry. This initiative is supported by a Global Capacity Advisory Council.
The GCI Advisory Council is comprised of NM advisors who identify and promote promising best practices that increase organizational capacity, effectiveness and sustainability. The council also advises PFI on global issues that affect ministry to prisoners, their families, and victims of crime. Advisor national ministries contribute to the Global Capacity Fund (GCF), a pool of funds contributed by members of the GCI Advisory Council to help fund capacity-building activities around the world.
Current members include PF Germany (Seehaus), PF Netherlands, PF Scotland, PF N. Ireland, PF Nigeria, PF Brazil, PF Colombia and PF Australia.
First chartered in 1995, PF Malawi is one of the strongest and most effective national ministries currently operating in Africa. In addition to partnering with PFI to implement signature programs such as The Prisoner’s Journey and The Child’s Journey, they also own and operate their own rehabilitation facility in partnership with the Malawi Prisons Service. In this partnership, they accept inmates into their residential center before their release and take them through a comprehensive rehabilitation and reintegration program.
PF Malawi brings a depth of experience and expertise to the GCI Advisory council that will add significant value to the council and all ministries around the world, and we are excited to have them on board. Please join us in celebrating our newest member to the council.