Ministry News Roundup – March 2023

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Providing Opportunities for Prisoners Outside Cell Walls
Prison Fellowship Guinea-Conakry has begun working on the courtyard at Coyah Civil Prison to provide a space for prisoners to have space for sports and gardening, allowing them to reduce the amount of time they spend in their cell.
Festivities, Fun and Food Provide Transformation
Love feasts are great days at correctional facilities thanks to Prison Fellowship Nigeria and partner churches. These activities provide inmates with fun through games, prizes, Bible quizzes and food while the PFN staff ensures that lives are transformed at each meeting.
Asia Pacific
Joyous Reunion Between Children and Incarcerated Mothers
Thanks to the hard work of The Child’s Journey caseworkers from Prison Fellowship Cambodia, children were able to visit their incarcerated mothers for the first time in a while. What a beautiful moment of reuniting!
Volunteer Shares Prisoner’s Inspiring Story
Prison Fellowship Australia shared a video of a volunteer who recounts the story of a prisoner who only attended their service to enjoy the cool air, but ended up asking for prayer and seeking forgiveness!
Europe and Central Asia
One Year Later – PF Ukraine’s Response to the War
Last month marked one year of the war in Ukraine. No words can describe the tragedy that has occurred, but this short video from PF Ukraine beautifully summarizes what has happened and how their ministry has responded. Watch the video interview here or above. Be sure to click “Settings” to translate the captions into your language.
Finding Forgiveness and Rehabilitation through The Prisoner’s Journey
Graduates celebrated their completion of The Prisoner’s Journey course at Liberec Prison, Czech Republic as they received certificates and, of course, delicious sandwiches. Course facilitator Vladimír Burkner shared the following about the program: “The aim of the course was to raise questions in the convicts that they never had to answer or even think about in their lives. Participants actively participated in debates on various life topics, including forgiveness and awareness of the consequences of life.”
Partnering with LEGO Provides Fun Activities for Children of Prisoners
Thanks to their longtime supporter, LEGO, Prison Fellowship Czech Republic received a donation of LEGO DUPLO bricks. Each child visiting their parents in Světlá nad Sázavou and Kuřim Prisons received two large boxes with a mixture of these cubes. PFCZ believes that with this partnership, children will be able to make fun memories with their incarcerated parents to temporarily forget the pain they are experiencing.
Latin America and the Caribbean
Municipal Partnership Provides Revitalization and Recovery
Partnered with the local city hall and judiciary, the APAC in Conceição das Alagoas through PF Brazil allows recovering individuals to complete various municipal tasks, including repairing buildings, installing benches, painting schools, gardening and cleaning public roads. Not only does this initiative provide reintegration opportunities, it also contributes to the recovery of self-esteem and self-image of the recovering persons. Read the full story.
Reaching and Feeding the Community
Along with partner organizations that provide healthcare and support for men, Prison Fellowship Bahamas provided lunch to children and adults in the inner-city community.
The Prisoner’s Journey Training Across the Region
The PFI team visited both Prison Fellowship Paraguay (top) and Prison Fellowship Dominican Republic (bottom) to train the first group of internal and external TPJ facilitators for both national ministries.
Back-to-School Event Provides Support for Children of Prisoners
Prison Fellowship Brazil hosted a back-to-school event for children of prisoners enrolled in PromisePath, providing school kits including things like backpacks, notebooks, pencils/pens and other educational supplies.
Middle East and North Africa
Cross-Continental Appointment Highlights Strong Work
The Swiss Department of Foreign Affairs officially announced the appointment of Prison Fellowship Israel’s Jamal Kamil Shahade as an honorary consul of Switzerland. The official ceremony was attended by the Swiss Ambassador, along with a number of dignitaries.