Ministry News Roundup – July 2022

Earlier in July, a strategic meeting took place in Ukraine involving four PFI partners: PF Ministries (USA), PF Germany, PF Romania and PF Ukraine. The meeting took place while leaders from all four ministries gathered in Ukraine for more than a week to support the ongoing PF Ukraine relief work for prisoners, ex-prisoners, children and families of prisoners, prison officials, internally displaced people, and all in need in the war-torn country. More information to come in the Europe Regional newsletter and our next roundup.
Prison Fellowship Peru (Fraternidad Carcelaria del Perú) recently celebrated its 39th anniversary! Watch their celebration video here!
The Washington Secretariat had a special visitor! Prison Fellowship South Korea Executive Director Samuel Kwak spent time with the Global Impact team, examining programs that will make a difference in the lives of South Korean prisoners, their families and victims. In-depth discussions were held about Sycamore Tree Project: Justice and Peace®: Justice and Peace and our Restorative Justice Framework.
Prison Fellowship Brazil (Fraternidade Brasileira de Assistência aos Condenados) celebrated 50 years of the Association for the Protection and Assistance of the Convicted (APAC), an alternative prison model based on restorative justice practices, reconciliation and restoration. PFI President and CEO Andy Corley and PFI Latin America and Caribbean Senior Regional Director Dorestela Medina both spoke at the event, leading both a keynote address and a roundtable discussion. Read more about the event here.
Prison Fellowship Kenya’s annual review was recently conducted. Hear two powerful stories that have come out of that ministry:
- There is no shortage of testimonies regarding the impact TPJ has had on inmates, officers and prisons in general in Kenya. One such is a tale of two inmates who committed a crime together. While in remand, one attended The Prisoner’s Journey (TPJ), graduated and continued with other discipleship programs. The other did not participate in any spiritual programs. After four years in remand, the two appeared before the Judge. The one who had participated in TPJ and other spiritual enrichment programs was given a reduced sentence of four years, while his colleague got twenty years.
- It is also obvious that TPJ has given new meaning to the prison’s officials, especially the chaplaincy who are all trained course leaders and trainers and have taken full ownership of the program. In the words of Reverend Michael Kiraguri, an Anglican cleric who is also one of eight chaplains at Nairobi Remand Prison, one TPJ cycle is worth more than 52 sermons in terms of content and impact.
PFI Asia Pacific’s Regional Office has officially moved into a new office space! They are co-located with PF Singapore at Parish of Christ Church. Please pray that this office will bring together individuals, ministries and organizations across the region who are deeply passionate about serving and transforming the lives of prisoners and their families. Here is a tour of the office!