Ministry News Roundup – January 2024

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Serving Prisoners
The Prisoner’s Journey

Prison Fellowship Romania held their first graduation for The Prisoner’s Journey!
Prison Fellowship Uruguay recently held a graduation ceremony for The Prisoner’s Journey.
Costa Rica
Prison Fellowship Costa Rica recently held a graduation ceremony for The Prisoner’s Journey.
The Listener’s Way
Prison Fellowship Cambodia recently held a graduation ceremony for The Listener’s Way.
Sycamore Tree Project
Prison Fellowship Uruguay recently held a graduation ceremony for Sycamore Tree Project.
Other Programs
Prison Fellowship Nigeria has increased their reach and have started ministering in Correctional and Custodial Centers in Lagos. They use local church members, like those pictured here from The Apostolic Faith, to minister to prisoners around the country.
Thanks to their Onesimus After-Care Program, Prison Fellowship Eswatini’s supported a prisoner who has been incarcerated for 32 years by donating 30 bags of cement to his parent’s home.
Listen in to a story about someone who was recently released from prison who had attended a Sycamore Tree course through Prison Fellowship Scotland and how the course significantly changed their life.
Prison Fellowship Cambodia not only supports prisoners during their incarceration, but also during their re-entry and reintegration to society. They recently shared images of individuals who have both have successfully reintegrated into their community after a few years. They both have established small businesses and achieved stable incomes to support their families.
Serving Families and Children of Prisoners
The Child’s Journey

Other Programs
Czech Republic
The incarceration of parents has a profound effect on their children, something Prison Fellowship Czech Republic has long known thanks to their many years of work with children of imprisoned parents. Now, this has been confirmed by a three-year research study on parenting behind bars, with partners at Masaryk University. The results, along with training and other materials, were shared with social workers to better communicate with children. Learn more.
Prison Fellowship Uruguay got into the Christmas spirit with their Angel Tree program to support children of prisoners!
Other News
Czech Republic

England and Wales

