Ministry News Roundup – February 2023

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The Prisoner’s Journey Graduates Joyfully Celebrate
Prison Fellowship Nigeria graduated 150 prisoners from The Prisoner’s Journey® and celebrated at a joy-filled ceremony. In addition to praise, dancing and worship, graduates enjoyed receiving certificates of participation and gift items. Read the full story here.
Staff Honored at Annual Employee Retreat
Prison Fellowship Rwanda held a corporate all-staff retreat to bring the team closer and build a strong cohesive culture. At the event full of food, drinks, games and brainstorming, the PFR 2022 Employee of the Year was also awarded to mark one individual’s exceptional work, contribution, behavior and success. The best employee from each of PFR’s seven program areas were also named. Read more about the event here.
Asia Pacific
Children of Prisoners Recognized for Outstanding Achievement
One of the ways Prison Fellowship Singapore supports the families of prisoners is through their Care Club, a program that empowers children of prisoners through tuition support, counseling, games, art, music and family bonding activities. Recently, PFS celebrated multiple Care Club students who were awarded scholarships at the Edusave Awards, recognizing academic achievements and exemplary conduct.
Partnerships Allow Programs and Families to Thrive
Prison Fellowship Cambodia and members of the Hopebearer Foundation recently visited participants in their Livelihood program, providing families of prisoners resources and supplies to raise small animals to improve long-term quality of life and spiritual growth through a sustainable income.
Europe and Central Asia
Providing Expert Opinion from Restorative Lens
Prison Fellowship England and Wales CEO Peter Holloway recently shared about the importance of a rehabilitative approach to criminal justice on a TWR UK radio broadcast. Watch the full interview here or above. Click “Settings” to translate the captions into your language.
Regional Forum Provides Connection, Training and Inspiration
Representatives from European and Central Asian national ministries gathered for a long-awaited event, the regional forum! Titled “”Flowers and Eagles”” to reflect the blooming and soaring of the greater PFI ministry, this year’s conference brought together 54 people from 26 countries to reflect on their prison ministry experiences and gain inspiring ideas to grow their own ministry. Watch a video recap of the event here or below. Click “Settings” to translate the captions into your language.
Church’s Role in Prison Reform Discussed in Expert Interview
Prison Fellowship Ukraine Executive Director Vyacheslav Kogut joined “Cabinet of Experts” to discuss prisoners and the role of the church in social work within prisons. Since 2006, Vyacheslav has traveled to and ministered within prisons across the country. Watch the video interview here or above. Click “Settings” to translate the captions into your language.
Training for Transformation in Italy
Prison Fellowship Italy organized facilitator training for 35 individuals to begin implementing The Prisoner’s Journey® in prisons around the country.
Latin America and the Caribbean
Supporting Anti-Violence Rally for Men Amidst Crime
Prison Fellowship Bahamas stood with the International Men’s Day Committee in support of their rally for the elimination of violence against men and boys. The event was held in wake of a double murder in Nassau.
Reducing Recidivism in Prisons with Ministry Collaboration
Prison Fellowship Suriname met with delegates from the Dutch Ministry of Justice & Security to explore the possibilities of how to reduce recidivism in prisoners and how to support them in their human and professional development.
Praying and United in Faith
Prison Fellowship Trinidad and Tobago participated in the annual interfaith service organized by the country’s prison system under the theme “Restoring Perspectives through Faith, Gratitude and Perseverance.”
Middle East and North Africa
Sharing the Prison Fellowship Experience Across Borders
Jamal [middle] from Prison Fellowship Israel visited Prison Fellowship Scotland and joined their prayer meeting to share about PF Israel’s work, specifically about serving and supporting prisoners after their release.