Ministry News Roundup – December 2022

Latin America and the Caribbean
Prison Fellowship Brazil’s documentary, Unguarded, now available on Amazon Prime
Recorded in 2019 in partnership with Prison Fellowship Brazil (FBAC), Unguarded portrays the experience of recovering persons participating in the Association for the Protection and Assistance of the Convicted (APAC) alternative prison model. Receiving numerous awards, this film shows the application of the 12 fundamental elements of the APAC methodology.
Rent or purchase the film on Amazon or on Globo Play in Brazil.
Alternative Prison Model Expands Reach in Mexico with Promising Results
Prison Fellowship Mexico presented the results of its pilot project for Association for the Protection and Assistance of the Convicted (APAC) Methodological Transfer. This unconventional prison model was implemented in the Quinta del Bosque Detention Center for Adolescents in Toluca, Mexico. Watch the full presentation.
Partnering with National Prison Department, Prison Fellowship Peru Brings Hope to Prisoners
Accompanied by the Peruvian National Penitentiary Institute (INPE), Prison Fellowship Peru visited the Huánuco, Cerro de Pasco and Cochamarca prisons to deliver donations, including digital thermometers, wool hats, and thread. They also went to support the resocialization work that is being carried out in prison. Watch INPE’s highlight of PF Peru and the work they are doing in prisons around the country.
Prison Fellowship Dominican Republic Supports In-Prison, Bible-Based Play Performed by Prisoners
At a prison in La Vega, Dominican Republic, prisoners acted out a play based on the Bible story of Paul and Silas, complete with costumes and scenery. Aldo, a PFDR team member, was also there to hand out Angel Tree® treats for the children of prisoners present.
Europe and Central Asia
Prison Fellowship England and Wales Shares Lucy’s Angel Tree® Story
Angel Tree® has the power to bring families separated by prison walls together for Christmas. Prison Fellowship England and Wales shared that with her husband in prison, Lucy figured this Christmas would be like the last – once where her children received no presents from their father. However, through Angel Tree®, her kids woke up to a present and handwritten note from their dad! Read the full story or watch this short animation about Angel Tree®.
Prisoners and Victims Come Together through Prison Fellowship Czech Republic’s Building Bridges Project
Coming with personal stories of crime experiences, six prisoners and six victims gathered to start the path towards healing, forgiveness and repentance on the basis of restorative dialogue between both groups. The closing ceremony, attended by the public and media, illustrated the project’s great impact for both sides of participants and influence on their perception of the past, all for the better. Read the full story.
Sharing Stories and Repairing the Harm: Prison Fellowship Rwanda Hosts Reconciliation Project
The Bilalo Byetu Project, a partnership between Prison Fellowship Rwanda and UNDP’s Elman Peace is contributing to the reintegration and reconciliation of those affected by the Rwandan genocide. Reduced rejection and stigmatization for perpetrators and increased social cohesion with survivors works to bring peace and cohesion to all citizens. Read the full article to hear direct impact stories from both sides of the dialogues.
Prison Fellowship Sri Lanka Celebrates Milestone Anniversary
Congratulations to Prison Fellowship Sri Lanka for reaching its 50th anniversary! As part of their celebrations, they received a visit from Asia-Pacific Regional Director, Daniel Bey (4th from the right).
Middle East and North Africa
Prison Fellowship Egypt Celebrates a Prisoner’s Journey from Addiction to Freedom
A course facilitator shared the following story about how The Prisoner’s Journey® program transformed the life of a prisoner:
“One prisoner who participated in The Prisoner’s Journey struggles with addiction. At the end of the course, during the graduation ceremony, he stood up to announce his experience, saying he had to be imprisoned before he could know the meaning of freedom. This prisoner said, “My life began here. By God, I was freed from addiction through The Prisoner’s Journey program, and I intend to continue learning more about Jesus through the Bible and by participating in any program that I can. I plan to invite all my fellow prisoners to attend these sessions. It changed my life; I know it can change theirs too.” God used TPJ to free this man from his imprisonment to addiction.”