Ministry News Roundup – April 2023

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Executive Leadership Transition for PFR
Prison Fellowship Rwanda’s (PFR) Board of Directors has appointed Celestin Ngaruyinka as its interim Executive Director. Mr. Celestin replaces Bishop Gashagaza Deo who has transitioned to PFR’s Strategic Guidance Coordinator. Read the full release here.
Working to Decrease Recidivism for Youth
Prison Fellowship Cote d’Ivoire and the National Federation of Livestock and Meat Cooperatives of Cote D’Ivoire held a working session to discuss a partnership between the two organizations. This hopeful meeting included conversations about the training of residents and material/financial support for the activities of the ONESIME Centre, a rehabilitative and alternative solution to incarceration for minors that increases their chances of positive reintegration.
Disaster Relief for Cyclone Victims
Prison Fellowship Malawi (PFM) donated various items to cyclone Freddy victims at Nyengeni camp in Mulanje. PFM provided 25 bags of maize flour, 11 bales of soya pieces, 18 cartons of soap, 2 bales of sugar and 18 bags of assorted clothes to the nearly 700 camp inhabitants. Cyclone Freddy struck on February 4, 20223 and claimed 511 lives, injured 1,724 people and internally displaced 563,771 people.
Asia Pacific
Enabling Families with Incarcerated Loved Ones to Thrive
When the main household provider goes to prison, families often find their lives financially difficult to live. Through their Livelihoods project, Prison Fellowship Cambodia provided chicken and poultry farming kits for two families in the Kampot province to begin raising chickens to generate income to support their families.
National Christian Prison Ministries Highlighted for Faithful Work
Prison Fellowship Singapore was featured in an article by Christianity Today that closely surveys the Singaporean prison ministry landscape. The article covers the PFS integrated ministry (IM) strategy and includes these words from Lee Oi Wei, head of the IM program: “We look after the silent victims, the family members, bringing healing and restoration. Our main purpose is to help bring reconciliation to the families because family is a very strong motivation for change and turning over a new leaf.” Read the full story here.
Hope for Children of Prisoners through Angel Tree
Prison Fellowship Bangladesh recently held an Angel Tree event to provide school supplies for 45 children of prisoners.
Europe and Central Asia
Children of Prisoners Supported during Holiday Season
Prison Fellowship England and Wales (PFE&W)shared the incredible lifetime impact of their Angel Tree program! Since program inception in 1994, PFE&W has created 100,000 connections between children and their parents in prison.
Bringing the Word of God Behind Bars
Prison Fellowship Italy collaborated with the Italian Episcopal Conference and the Inspectorate General of Prison Chaplains to deliver 8,000 Bibles to prisoners in 100 prisons. The initiative aims to promote the spiritual, educational and catechetical development to help incarcerated individuals discover hope and new life. Read the full article here.
Latin America and the Caribbean
Incarcerated Enabled to Take Responsibility for Actions
Ten young incarcerated men have graduated from Prison Fellowship Colombia’s Restorative Justice, Reconciliation and Forgiveness program. The program, containing components of the Sycamore Tree Project® and The Prisoner’s Journey®, aims to give detainees the opportunity and tools to reflect on their actions and redirect their behavior, taking into account the negative impacts of their crime. Read the full story here.
Sharing the Gospel and Good News with Those in Prison
Prison Fellowship Paraguay (PFP) began running The Prisoner’s Journey® (TPJ) courses in six prisons in March. PFP shared their gratitude for the volunteers who put in the effort and give their time to God to teach the valuable gospel of Jesus, along with their appreciation for prayers. Let us join them in praying that God gives understanding and wisdom to the TPJ volunteers and participants.
Transforming Women’s Lives Through Jesus’ Love
Prison Fellowship Puerto Rico graduated 68 incarcerated women from the Madalena Project, one of their initiatives aimed at transforming women through the message of love, dignity and hope from Jesus Christ
North America
Joining in Daily Prayer with Other National Ministries
Did you know that Prison Fellowship Canada produces a monthly prayer calendar? View it here in English or French to join in daily prayer for a range of needs and requests.
April 2023 Officially Declared Second Chance Month
Prison Fellowship Ministries’ Second Chance Month initiative was officially declared April 2023 by the President of the United States. This initiative supports the removal of unnecessary barriers for the 1 in 3 American adults with a criminal record. Read the proclamation here.