Prison Fellowship International is the largest, most extensive association of national Christian ministries working within the criminal justice field, proclaiming the Gospel worldwide, restoring prisoners’ lives, helping their families and successfully integrating them back into the community – for good. Your legacy giving will make an eternal impact in the lives of prisoners, their families and crime victims across the world.
Federal Tax ID: 51-0247185
We may never see the full impact of our investments in lives during our time here on earth, but we will see it on the other side of heaven.
The Colson International Legacy Society is a special group of donors who believe that breaking the cycle of crime is possible, and have made a commitment to Prison Fellowship International through their will, a trust, a beneficiary designation or other kind of planned gift. As members of the society, donors receive a certificate of recognition, a special annual briefing from Prison Fellowship International’s CEO, and the joy of knowing that prisoners, their families and victims of crime will be able to hear the Gospel message of hope for years to come.
Meet Kristi Padley – With extensive fundraising and donor relations experience, Kristi specializes in connecting with donors who have a heart for prisoners and their families and helping them see the impact of their gifts. Kristi knows that engaging with donors from the heart enables the donor to see the opportunities available to make an impact through this ministry.
Make a lasting difference for future generations with a gift to Prison Fellowship International in your will or living trust.
We hope you’ll consider including a gift to Prison Fellowship International in your will or living trust. This gift type offers:
- Simplicity. You just need to add a few sentences in your will or trust. View sample language here.
- Flexibility. Because you are not making a gift until after your lifetime, you can change your mind at any time.
- Versatility. You can leave a specific amount of money, make the gift contingent on certain events or leave a percentage of your estate.
- Tax Relief. Your gift is entitled to an estate tax deduction for the gift’s full value.
Retirement assets support Prison Fellowship International's mission and provide tax relief for your loved ones.
Since funds in a retirement plan, IRA or tax-sheltered annuity have yet to be taxed, beneficiary distributions will owe federal income tax. Consider leaving all or part of your retirement assets to Prison Fellowship International. As a tax-exempt, non-profit organization, we will receive the full designation of your gift, tax-free.
Donating certain non-cash assets, like real estate or stock options, can provide significant tax benefits while advancing our mission.
Make a Stock Gift
Account Title: Prison Fellowship International
Account No: 8105-9855
DTC No: 0141
We work closely with TrustBridge Global Foundation to recognize and receipt gifts that are given from outside the United States.